
Product Exile

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

I'm always keen to try new primers or any product that claims it will make my makeup last for long periods of time. So you can imagine my excitement when I had discovered that Benefit had come out with their new Stay Flawless 15- hour Primer. I'm HUGE fan of Benefit cosmetics, their cute packaging sucks me in more times than I'd care to admit, and I'm an avid user of the Porefessional as you could have guessed. 

So, long story short I have exiled this product straight out of my beauty bag for several reasons:

1. It's glue-stick application form makes it harder to get product in the smaller bits of your face like under eyes and around nose etc.
2. Once I put it on my skin it felt extremely tacky which I did not like
3. I like to tap my foundation on with a brush then blend outwards, this primer was so sticky that I couldn't blend much at all and left my whole face very blotchy

And lastly after much struggle, I realised there was nothing I could do to save my makeup and had to take it all off and start again. 

I've read a lot of reviews on this before and after I tried it and the general consensus is that its working for every other woman out there, so why not me?!

What do you think of Stay Flawless?

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